
Today, we're thrilled to announce the launch of After 18 months in stealth mode, our groundbreaking artificial intelligence startup is poised to revolutionize the application of Generative AI for businesses and governments.

Our primary goal is to demystify Generative Transformers Technology (GPT) and make it accessible and user-friendly. We are committed to crafting responsible, fact-oriented AI models that provide actionable insights to enterprises worldwide. Whether you're a startup, an established business, or a Fortune 500 company, unparalleled benefits await you.

With an ambitious R&D pipeline, we aim to surpass the capabilities of today's AI chatbots. We envision AI that integrates seamlessly into all enterprise and industrial processes, enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and opening new revenue streams.

Built on the latest advances in AI and backed by a top-tier team of AI transformer specialists, microbrains champions an innovative approach. We emphasize a lean, decentralized, and budget-conscious startup model.

We extend an invitation to partners, advisors, developers, and investors who wish to join us in this AI transformation.

Please fill out our form to let us know if you are interested in this exciting new technological domain.

Join Us: We encourage you to engage with our new community on Twitter, sharing insights and contributing to the future of GenAI.

Connect with us on Twitter: @Microbrains_AI.

Microbrains team:

Best regards,

Claudio Lima, Ph.D. 

Co-Founder & Digital Transformer of Industries

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Claudio Lima

"Generative AI isn't just the next step in technological evolution; it's a groundbreaking leap, reshaping the very fabric of innovation and unlocking potential we once only dreamed of."